YES, although it was thought the voucher scheme , commenced in 2021 , would close on 31st March , today 23-3-23 the Minister of Justice has announced it will continue. It was designed to provide the MoJ with data on how helpful Mediation can be to families with children .
Questionnaires have been completed, and analysed. By way of the vouchers , 69% of thos assisted have resolved all or part of the issues debated. Of course mediation from paying clients without children , also have gained benefit too from mediating.
The Government are now formally consulting , for 12 weeks from today , as to how the family legal world will continue to be assisted by mediators. I recommend my clients to comply with the simple conditions enabling the grant of a voucher , to save them overall £500.
Although the chargeable fee for timed sessions maybe more, I offer two sessions to clients with a voucher.
So when financial pressures are on , families can still seek out solutions in a cost effective way.
I am here to help.